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lecture room 講堂。

lecture theater

Two lecture rooms in the new academic block of the university were named bright future lecture room and young tai lecture room respectively after the establishment of bright future fund by dr chung and one of the mother companies of wah gar holdings co ltd , young tai holdings co ltd 兩間位于嶺大新教學大樓的演講室鵬程演講室及榮泰演講室分別以鍾志平博士太平紳士所創立的鵬程基金及華嘉集團的母公司之一榮泰控股有限公司而命名。

On regular class days , the desks in the classroom are usually arranged in an oval shape , so that the students face one another ; however , on the day of the exam we rearranged the desks in rows for the classroom to look more like a lecture room where everyone is facing the lecturer 因為是今年第一次的大型考試,平時充滿朝氣的學生也是滿臉緊張的表情參加考試。通常上課時桌子是型擺設,因此學生們可以互相看到對方。

Sha tin town hall opposite the new town plaza is the cultural centre of shatin . it has a 1300 seats auditorium , a 250 seats cultural activities hall and an exhibition gallery as well as facilities like dance studio , music studio , lecture rooms and conference room 在新城市廣場的對面,就是沙田區的文化心臟沙田大會堂,這里有設備完善的演奏廳、文娛廳及展覽廳,舞蹈室、音樂室、演講室及會議室等。

There are two lecture rooms each equipped with raked seating for 120 . other fixtures include a roll - up projection screen , a public address and playback system . audio - visual equipment is also available for hire . the rooms are currently used mostly for conferences , lectures and training classes 兩間演講室各有120個座位,以梯級式排列,并有銀幕、擴音及播帶設備,亦可租用投射機,配合多種媒體使用。

I didn ' t give much thought to yu dan or confucius again until last week , when i learned via danwei that a small group of scholars had publicly taken issue to yu dan ' s outrageously popular tv appearances on the show cctv lecture room , and her books 上個禮拜,我在單位了解到,對于于丹的書和她在央視百家講壇肆無忌憚地拋頭露面,有小部分學者公然唱起了反調,這時我才又一次思考起于丹還有孔老夫子來。

It occupies an area of 34 800 square metres and was commissioned on 4 january 1994 . facilities in the school include offices , lecture rooms , a horse paddock and two pony paddocks , a stable which can accommodate 60 horses and ponies , changing rooms and a carpark 由香港賽馬會管理的屯門公眾騎術學校于一九九四年一月四日落成?用,占地三萬四千八百平方米,是全港最大規模的公眾騎術設施。

This expansion increased the size of the campus to a total floor area of approximately 40 , 000m2 . academic centres there are three academic centres that house a total of 12 lecture theatres , 26 discussion rooms , 6 lecture rooms , and 52 faculty administration offices 校園包括3幢教學中心信息中心演講廳餐廳4幢學員公寓1幢教授公寓體育館學生活動中心等,擁有世界一流的教學與生活設施。

Situated next to mtr kwai fong station and bus terminus , the kwai tsing theatre houses a 905 - seat auditorium , an exhibition gallery , a dance studio , a lecture room , a rehearsal room , an open - air plaza and a restaurant 葵青劇院毗鄰葵芳地鐵站及巴士總站,劇院設有一個可容納905位觀眾的演藝廳,并有展覽廳、舞蹈室、演講室、排演室各一間,以及一個露天廣場。

In fact , shouldn ' t that be the beauty of yu dan ' s cctv lecture room talks ? they were an extremely successful step up from the lame kung - fu historical dramas american idol impersonator competitions on these days 事實上,那不就是于丹在央視所做講演的美妙之處么? ?相比這段時間蹩腳的功夫片歷史劇還有類似美國偶像的選秀節目來說,它們已經是一個極大極成功的提升了。

Previously at this event , we had the use of a lecture room , which enabled us to show master s video lectures , distribute booklets and magazines , and serve vegetarian snacks in a private and tranquil atmosphere 往年參加這個活動時,我們的攤位均設在一間專用的演講室,可供同修播放師父錄影帶,散發樣書雜志,以及提供素食點心,環境比較隱密安靜。

There are two lecture rooms each equipped with raked seating for 120 . other fixtures include a roll - up projection screen , a public address and playback system . audio - visual equipment is also available for hire 兩間演講室各有120個座位,以梯級式排列,并有銀幕擴音及播帶設備,亦可租用投射機,配合多種媒體使用。

The laboratory and lecture room facilities provided at the nmmba were perfect for the purpose , and it was a privilege to be part of the intense group dynamic that developed during the week 由海博館提供的設備完善的實驗室及教室等設施,十分符合研習會主題所需,有幸成為此次為期一周的研習會團隊的一員實為殊榮。

February 1 , 2005 at the naval command and staff school combined lecture room . major general huang , sui - sheng from general political warfare bureau of mnd will conduct lecture on how could the officers deal with the press 九十四年九月二十日,邀請海軍總司令陳上將假本學部綜合大教室,就基地防衛實施專題講座。

February 22 , 2005 at the naval command and staff school combined lecture room 3 , 2004 , dr . lin , chung - pin will conduct lecture on across the taiwan strait to built military mutual trust mechanism frameworks and methods 新編大修教案提報九十四年九月十九二十二十一日,假本學部會議室實施新編大修課程提報。

January 4 , 2005 at the naval command and staff school combined lecture room . dr . hung , hsi - yas from interprize management council will conduct lecture on innovative leadership - beginning from your heart , true - hearted , tolerant 九十四年五月二十四日,邀請政大國際事務學院院長李登科博士假本學部綜合大教室,就

February 22 , 2005 at the naval command and staff school combined lecture room 3 , 2004 , dr . lin , chung - pin will conduct lecture on across the taiwan strait to built military mutual trust mechanism frameworks and methods 九十四年九月十九二十二十一日,假本學部會議室實施新編大修課程提報。

As the first environmental resource centre , it includes an interactive lecture room , library databank , information gallery , environmental garden and a loan service for education kits 該中心是環境保護署第一間環境資源中心,設有互動學習室、圖書資料庫、環保資訊廊及環保花園。

They also toured the exhibition hall set up next to the lecture room to view master s artworks , books and tapes , which were nicely displayed for their enjoyment 中場休息時,貴賓與同修一起享用美味可口的素食餐點,并到講堂旁的展示廳欣賞精美布置的師父的藝術創作和出版品。

On top of the theatre and cultural activities hall , the centre has ancillary facilities such as lecture room , art studios , dance practice room and music practice room 中心除劇院及文娛廳外還有演講室美術室舞蹈練習室及音樂練習室,適合舉辦多種不同類型的文娛活動。